Business Game

Using Business Simulation Games provides the ability to better illustrate theoretical concepts. Participants improve knowledge retention, practice problem solving team building (PSTB) and decision making. They like the real online interface of web-based business simulation games.

The two Business Games provide the participants with an exciting and real approach to understanding Purchasing&Supplychain and Circular Economy.


Business Game
Purchasing & Supply Chain

Buy efficiently and mitigate risks

Duration : 1-3 days

  1. Improve competitiveness and risk mitigation based on purchasing and logistic levers

  2. Create value through innovation and savings

  3. Manage suppliers and sub-contractors

  4. Mitigate risks: identify and solve supply chain incidents

  5. Embrace CSR compliance and opportunities

Business Game
Blue Connection

Experience the circular way of doing business

Duree : 1-2 jours

  1. Engage participants in the transformation from a linear to a circular value chain by implementing a circular strategy for a virtual e-bike manufacturer

  2. Manage the transition to a circular value chain by corporate functions : in teams of 4, participants will represent the roles of VP Purchasing, VP Supply Chain, VP Finance and VP Sales

  3. Find new business opportunities : gain market shares, offer new/differentiating propositions, combine zero carbon and competitive advantage

  4. Embrace multiple constraints : Purchasing costs, legal compliance, cooperation in supply chain, reverse logistics and quality.